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We Approach Every Problem With A Solution.

We are dedicated to providing quality solutions that are sustainable both financially and environmentally.

Here at Rowe Solutions we are committed to excellence, giving above and beyond to our clients.

Thinking of what is best for you and your team before profit.

Our goal is to treat every client like a world leader.

We realize every customer is a partner and when you do well, so do we. 


Capability Statement


Founded in 2019, Rowe Solutions is a full service food and catering firm driven by problem-solving professionals who are able to strategically meet the needs of organizations of all sizes.


As a certified SDVOSB, we are honored to have experience working with several large government agencies and look forward to continuing to expand our reach by establishing high rapports with our clientele.



We use technology, creativity, experience, and dedication to provide a wide selection of high-class services


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Archie Joshua
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California Fire Department

1 /  20 / 2020 - 10 / 15 / 2020

Full Food Services FFP Riverside, CA

$508,000 annually renewable

This is an ongoing contract providing 49,760 meals throughout the year. We provide full food service management and staffing for breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals.

Chris Aestoy • chris.aestoy@ 858.231.2232

US Customs & Border Protection

7 / 16 / 2020 - 9 / 30 / 2020

Detainee Meals SW Border BPA

Contract ceiling $200,000,000

This is an ongoing contract providing meals upon request. Mealsare prepped at our facility and delivered. Estimated at 789,920 meals. We provide breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Lawrence A Whitfield,, 202.425.1775


We are here to fulfill your needs

Your vision is important to us. We’re eager to map out the needs of your business and provide the necessary tools to achieve a successful future. We are ready to deliver tailored solutions on time.


We are here to support you and your team. Allow us to learn your needs so we can craft our services to fit you best.

Thanks for submitting!

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